If you have been dreaming about achieving a straighter smile for what feels like ages, our team at Las Cruces Dental Solutions would like to invite you to consider our convenient orthodontic options. Our affordable clear aligners are made in-house using state-of-the-art CAD 3D technology, allowing our team to straighten crooked teeth discreetly and efficiently. Our safe and effective dentist-led care also ensures that your teeth are moved safely and correctly, unlike other clear aligner brands. Ready to book your consultation? Simply fill out our contact form or call our office to find an appointment time that works for you!
Both clear aligners and metal braces are excellent orthodontic options for straightening misaligned teeth and correcting other orthodontic issues. However, there are a number of reasons patients tend to prefer clear aligners over metal braces. The main reason being, clear aligners are virtually unnoticeable on the teeth, whereas metal braces tend to stand out a lot more. Other benefits include the fact that clear aligners are:
When you begin any orthodontic treatment plan, you can expect to feel a little pain or soreness during the first week and when adjustments are made. This is because your teeth are not used to being moved, and it is perfectly normal! To minimize discomfort, we suggest putting in new aligners at night before going to bed so the teeth have time to get used to the aligner while you sleep. You can also eat cold foods like ice cream, take over-the-counter pain medication, or rinse your mouth out with a warm saltwater rinse to relieve some of the tenderness.
It used to be that clear aligner therapy was only available for patients who had mild orthodontic issues, but now, custom-made aligners can be used to fix a broad range of orthodontic issues, including closing wide gaps and fixing overbites. If you have severe orthodontic problems, your situation may require traditional braces, but many patients find that clear aligner therapy works well to fix their misaligned teeth, gapped teeth, and overbites and underbites. At your consultation, our team will be able to help you find the best teeth straightening options for your specific case.
We look forward to meeting you. Please Call (575) 527-4746 or request an appointment online to set up your first visit. We’ll be in touch soon.