Category: Dental Tips

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Smiling dark-haired young man stands in a field wearing a black jacket and crossing his arms

What Are the Best Ways to Fix Bad Breath?

If you’re discouraged by chronic bad breath, check out our blog post to learn 6 breath-freshening techniques. We talk about proper oral hygiene, sugar-free gum and mints, gargling, mint tea, and avoiding tobacco. Contact us with more questions about improving your oral health!
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bowl of M&Ms, Snickers, and Twix

Halloween Candy FAQ

You don’t have to fear candy and cavities this Halloween season. Get prepared by reading our blog post on Halloween candy FAQs!
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Can I See the Dentist if I Don’t Have Dental Insurance?

Unfortunately, many folks don’t have the benefits of dental insurance. But that doesn’t mean they should skip out on dental care! Even if you’re without dental coverage, it’s still important for you to see the dentist on a regular basis. Our practice welcome patients without insurance, and we offer alternatives like our in-house dental plan or payment plans to help our patients cut down their out-of-pocket costs. In-House Dental Plan In-house dental plans were developed to help uninsured patients afford the treatments they need. At Las Cruces Dental Solutions, we offer one such plan. All you have to do is… Read Full Post →
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What to Do If You Need Urgent Dental Care

If you think you need urgent dental care, it’s important not to panic. The first thing you need to do is call your dentist so he or she can see you immediately. While getting to the dentist as soon as possible is essential for maintaining your dental health, there are things you can do to prevent further damage. Here are a few scenarios with specific advice for what steps to take to safeguard the health of your teeth. Knocked out Tooth If you’ve had a tooth knocked out, you need to try to save the tooth. This is very important…. Read Full Post →
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Young man holding his mouth

Common Misconceptions About Gum Disease

We believe the more educated our patients are about dental health issues, the better they’ll be able to prevent them. We often warn of periodontal disease and the detrimental effects it has on the mouth and body, but there are also many common misconceptions about gum disease. To help you better understand it, we’ve decided to bust some myths today! Myth #1: Bleeding Gums Are Normal This is probably one of the most perpetuated dental health myths. The truth is, bleeding gums are the first sign of gum disease. Gums swell, bleed and become tender when plaque accumulates on… Read Full Post →
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Young girl grinning at the camera

Smile-Friendly After School Snacks

As many parents know when your child comes home from school, they often run straight for the pantry! We understand that kids can be a bit hungry after a long day in the classroom and we want to help you provide snacks that won’t only fill their bellies, but will benefit their smile as well! Try These Smile-Friendly Snacks! Consuming a lot of starchy and sugary treats in the afternoon can do a number on a child’s teeth—not to mention ruin their appetite for dinner! Sticky, sugary snacks can adhere to your child’s teeth for long periods of time,… Read Full Post →
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White dandelion

Seasonal Allergies? Take Care Of Your Smile!

Spring is on the horizon and we couldn’t be more excited! Chirping birds, blooming flowers, and warmer weather are just a few of the things we look forward to when spring comes around. We have to admit though, there is one thing about the season that’s not particularly appealing, and that’s allergies. Be Aware Of These Dental Side Effects During Allergy Season Many of you have experienced it, red, itchy and watery eyes and the constant sneezing and congestion. The effects of seasonal allergies can go even further, however, and may even affect your oral health! Here are some… Read Full Post →
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Why You Should Choose Fruit Over Candy for a Sweet Snack

Your sweet tooth could be affecting the rest of your mouth. So what can you eat if you’re craving something sweet but want to save your teeth? Why Sugar Is Bad for Your Teeth Certain bacteria in your mouth create a powerful acid after feeding on sugar in your mouth, which wears down tooth enamel and leads to decay. If you have ever had a cavity, then you have experienced an infection caused by that acid. But when those cavities go untreated, your teeth will eventually decay, possibly resulting in tooth loss. Is All Sugar Bad for My Teeth? Some… Read Full Post →
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Girl smiling and looking downwards

3 Tips To Keep Teeth Clean Between Meals

We understand how busy life can get–between work, school, sports, and having a social and family life, it can be hard to find time for your dental health. Because we know how precious your time is, we’ve decided to compile a list of quick, easy tips to keep your teeth clean in between meals and on the go! First Of All, Snack Healthy Did you know that frequent snacking throughout the day can contribute to tooth decay? Try to keep snacking to a minimum. If you do need a pick-me-up during the day, choose tooth-friendly snacks, such as broccoli,… Read Full Post →
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Girl in a beanie drinking tea

Protect Your Teeth This Cold And Flu Season

The last thing you want to worry about when you’re sick is your dental health. Unfortunately, your teeth can be extra vulnerable when cold and flu season strike. If you find yourself under the weather, read on for helpful tips on protecting your mouth! Watch Out For Dry Mouth You know that feeling when your nose is so stuffy you can’t breathe out of it even if you tried? We all have the potential to become mouth breathers when we’re sick, especially at night. Consequently, our mouths become dry, creating the perfect environment for bacteria to thrive. Some of… Read Full Post →
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